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Rulers and Templates
Laser Cutting and Engraving
CATALOG zavřít

Patchwork Ruler Rag Quilt

Discount: 419 Kč (-10%)
Price: 377 Kč

Patchwork Ruler MiniHexagon 2,5inch and 4,5inch

Discount: 189 Kč (-10%)
Price: 170 Kč

Patchwork Wedge Ruler Bargello

Discount: 620 Kč (-10%)
Price: 558 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Piecing NEON

Discount: 109 Kč (-35%)
Price: 71 Kč

Patchwork ruler Spike NEON

Discount: 469 Kč (-10%)
Price: 422 Kč

Wedge Ruler - Bargello Gold

Discount: 598 Kč (-10%)
Price: 538 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Diamonds Block (Gold Edice)

Discount: 489 Kč (-10%)
Price: 440 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Pineapple Small GOLD

Discount: 309 Kč (-10%)
Price: 278 Kč

Sewing a Circular Hem - Ruler Ripple

Discount: 399 Kč (-10%)
Price: 359 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Corner

Discount: 329 Kč (-10%)
Price: 296 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Diamonds 8,5 inch

Discount: 309 Kč (-10%)
Price: 278 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Dresden 8 inch

Discount: 260 Kč (-10%)
Price: 234 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Hexagon

Discount: 550 Kč (-10%)
Price: 495 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope

Discount: 495 Kč (-10%)
Price: 446 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Pineapple Large

Discount: 640 Kč (-10%)
Price: 576 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Lemoyne Star

Discount: 550 Kč (-10%)
Price: 495 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Triangl 8 inch

Discount: 360 Kč (-10%)
Price: 324 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Triangl Hypnotic 9 inch

Discount: 284 Kč (-10%)
Price: 256 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Triangl Star 5 Inch

Discount: 189 Kč (-10%)
Price: 170 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Twister

Discount: 365 Kč (-10%)
Price: 329 Kč

Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON

Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON more photos
Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope NEON
Art. code:
Patchwork Kaleidoscope NEON
560 Kč (-10%)

This product has already been purchased by 44 customers.


Rulers and Templates

Patchwork Ruler Half Square Large 10,5 - NEON

Price: 740 Kč

Rulers and Templates Beginner

Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope Half Square

Discount: 359 Kč (-10%)
Price: 323 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Triangl Hypnotic 9 inch

Discount: 284 Kč (-10%)
Price: 256 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Wing Clipper

Discount: 550 Kč (-10%)
Price: 495 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork ruler Dresden 14

Discount: 239 Kč (-10%)
Price: 215 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Half Square 6,5 - Ruler for 2 x halved squares

Discount: 419 Kč (-10%)
Price: 377 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Kaleidoscope

Discount: 495 Kč (-10%)
Price: 446 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler V Block

Discount: 550 Kč (-10%)
Price: 495 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Wedge Ruler - Bargello Gold

Discount: 598 Kč (-10%)
Price: 538 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Diamonds 8,5 inch

Discount: 309 Kč (-10%)
Price: 278 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Large Star 8,5 - Muster Hunter Star and Lemoyne Star

Discount: 480 Kč (-10%)
Price: 432 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Wedge Ruler Bargello

Discount: 620 Kč (-10%)
Price: 558 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Diamonds Block (Gold Edice)

Discount: 489 Kč (-10%)
Price: 440 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Triangl 8 inch

Discount: 360 Kč (-10%)
Price: 324 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Twister

Discount: 365 Kč (-10%)
Price: 329 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Pineapple Small GOLD

Discount: 309 Kč (-10%)
Price: 278 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Lemoyne Star

Discount: 550 Kč (-10%)
Price: 495 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Triangl Half Square

Discount: 329 Kč (-10%)
Price: 296 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Triangl Star 5 Inch

Discount: 189 Kč (-10%)
Price: 170 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Dresden 8 inch

Discount: 260 Kč (-10%)
Price: 234 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork Ruler Hexagon

Discount: 550 Kč (-10%)
Price: 495 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Patchwork ruler Spike NEON

Discount: 469 Kč (-10%)
Price: 422 Kč

Rulers and Templates Patchwork Rulers

Sewing a Circular Hem - Ruler Ripple

Discount: 399 Kč (-10%)
Price: 359 Kč